New in Photo Supreme 2023
November 13, 2023
Scroll down for Additions, Improvements & Fixes per Build Number
Highlights for 2023
Next level Bookmarking
Scheduled Folder Verification
Bracket Searches in the Search Bar
Regular Expression Searches
Image Appearance browsing, directly from the Catalog based on color tint
Image Details Content Filter
Export to Catalog File
Cross Platform Folder Management for the Server Edition
For more details, see the complete list below
4981; Added Korean translations
Added "Appearance" Catalog State
Added Regular Expression Searches in the search box with %regex or %re: prefix
Added Multiple Bookmarks
Added Verify Folder Scheduling
Added Cross Platform Folder support in the Server Edition to make it easier to use Photo Supreme in a network with both Windows and macOS computers
Added Bookmark popup menu to allow assigning one of the bookmarks
Added an option for "Custom Folder Offset" for Stack and Version Detection
Added Brackets in the upper right search box; e.g. (alex AND dean) NOT (john OR jane)
Added "Sort by Bookmark"
Added support for SQLServer 2022
Added support for PostgreSQL 15
Added Image Details Content Filter to narrow down the Image Details panel to show only fields matching certain content
Added "States from Repository" in the States section of the Catalog
Added directly download licenses from the Control Panel from inside the application
Added shortcuts Ctrl+Alt+1 to Ctrl+Alt+5 for bookmarking
5027; Support for macOS Sonoma (macOS 14.0)
5022; Included support to allow excluding file extensions using a file excludedextensions.txt in the AppData folder
4954; Faster implementation for parsing %ImageFileSize and %ImageFileSizeShort
4954; In an Import Profile you can now define to import files to their original folder structure.
4928; In the Catalog Label details, there is now an option to retrieve the altitude for GPS coordinates
4928; Slightly faster progress activity bar handling
4916; Background services are now processed up to 10% faster leading to an overall snappier experience
4916; XMP for PNG files is now read and written embedded instead of in a sidecar file
4908; Moved the Catalog Password change from the Tools menu to the Catalog menu
4908; Passwords now have requirements:
a. length must be minimal 7 characters
b. cannot start or end with a space character -
4903; Empty Folders are no longer marked as "Ignored folders" when dragged to the application
4903; Slightly improved performance
4903; Improved handling of drag/drops to a Sub-Folder/Sub-Collection thumbnail
4900; Improved read-ahead handling in the Viewer
4891; "Export to Folder" now offers a quick way to configure the file extension
4891; Added a "Locate in..." feature in the context menu of a file path in the Catalog Tree
4883; Added a marker in the Label Assignment Panel (LAP) that indicates a Category when the Category uses a custom color
4883; Removed the HTML editor for email message composing
4880; Changing the selected thumb is now faster when the Quick Preview is displayed
4880; The Filter option in the Image Details now only displays groups that show content
4864; When typing and, or not operators in the search box then those are automatically capitalized to become a valid operator
4860; Non-main admin users can no longer upgrade the Catalog in the Server Edition after installing a build that requires a database upgrade.
4854; A batch processor command for "Detect Faces Offline" was added
4850; Added a way to more conveniently add custom XMP schema definitions through a JSON file
4850; Added a way to more conveniently add custom Image Detail Editors through a JSON file
4835; Added more parameters to the CatalogPortfolioList macro command
4827; Added Ctrl+Space thumb shortcut to toggle Bookmark on/off (will always toggle the white bookmark)
4823; In the Filter Bar, you can now hold the Ctrl/Cmd key when clicking a Catalog Label to get a hierarchical result for that catalog label in the filter
4823; Verify Folder now only reports folders that are not in the catalog when there are relevant files in that folder
4823; When expanding a folder in the Catalog Tree then the sub folders are now sorted non-case sensitive in the Single User Edition
4818; Updated German translations
4816; You can now define the time offset for Verify Folder Schedules
Preference options are now stored encrypted in the Catalog
Changed Stack Markers to a new icon
Implemented new Bookmark icon on thumbs
Changed the Catalog Tree to add the new bookmarkers
Bookmarks are stored to the ICS
You can now use AND, OR, and NOT (upper case) in the search box as alternatives for +,space,- e.g.(alex AND dean) NOT (john OR jane)
In the Image Details you now have an option to select the File Date for date fields
You can now add a text Search item to the Favorites, Dynamic Search, and Catalog Filter by clicking each of its plus button
The B-shortcut for Bookmarks in the Image Viewer now opens the Bookmarks popup
Bookmarker Names are now configurable in the Preferences
RAW Edits (LR/C1/DXO) are not applied when a THM proxy file exists. the proxy file will be read as-is
Removing a folder from the Catalog is now faster
Loading licenses in the Server Edition's User Management feature can now be done by downloading from the Control Panel
AD users can no longer use "remember password" in the login dialog
Deleting files from the catalog is ~4 times faster
Improved screen refresh after changing a main version for a version set
More robust while progress items are running
5087; Fix for possible Access Violation exception when using the Share feature
5078; Fix for non-functional detection masks when comma separated macro parameters are part of the mask
5078; Fix for non-functional detection masks when inline scripting code is part of the mask
5063; Fix for non functional "Ignore this folder" in the post-Verify Folder results
5063; Fix for possible excessive memory consumption in the PostgreSQL Server Edition
5063; Fix for slower Verify Folder on large folders that are not part of the Catalog yet
5052; Fix for possible background activity progress bar update failure
5052; Fix for possible error when opening the Image Details using the Russian locale
5044; Fix for a possible Access Violation while renaming files with the a maker notes macro field in the name rule and applying it to a file without maker notes.
5038; Fix for possible Access Violation when selecting a Stacking or Versioning mask from the drop down in Preferences
5022; Fix for not showing checkmarks in the File Type drop down when all selected types are excluded
5022; Fix for the Image Viewer when the last image in a Collection is a stacked image
4981; Fix for not being able to start PSU Single User edition when the stored password for the catalog is invalid
4981; Fix for showing the "out-of-sync" indicator whilst the preference setting being ticked for "store metadata to the database only"
4962; Fix for possible needing to resave a TIF file twice when writing JPEG compressed TIF files that are stored in Motorola byte order
4962; Fix for not showing drive after ingesting when the ingested folder is part of a Cross Platform mapping in the Server Edition.
4962; Fix for Server Edition when a restricted user applies a Catalog Filter and the filter condition its join type differs from the user authorization join type
4962; Fix in Server Edition for the Filter Bar its Catalog Labels drop down, which would not respect the user restrictions when set
4962; Fix for possible "idThumb table locked" error when running "Build missing thumbs and preview" in the Single Edition
4962; Fix for script command PublicCatalog.CascadeMetaForItem/CascadeMetaForImage not cascading technical info
4954; Fix for possible “bus error” on macOS after opening the options menu in the Viewer
4949; Fix for possible import error when using a non-existing GPX file from within an Import Profile
4949; Fix for assigning color abbreviations when using Color Strings that match the color names (eg Red) and the thumb bar style set to Drop Down
4949; Fix for not being able to write metadata to file for files that have pre-existing embedded XMP without rating/label
4945; Fix for non-functional slideshow after switching off the slideshow transition
4945; Fix for multiselect issue on macOS
4945; Updated French translations
4940; Fix for possible stall during an import
4936; Fix for non functional version thumbs in build 4934
4934; Fix for possible application stall during Verify Folder
4934; Fix for possible Access Violation when accessing the catalog
4934; Fix for possible flashing thumbnails for subfolder representations
4934; Fix for potential lock in background thread handling
4928; Fix for failing file operation when the filename contains the = character
4923; Quick Fix for possible non-functional counters in the Catalog Tree in build 4921
4921; Fix for incorrect result when in the search bar text you're using an OR followed by a bracketed operator; e.g A OR (B AND C)
4918; Fix for possible Access Violation when compacting the catalog in the Single User edition
4908; Fix for possible creation of the source folder in the Catalog during an Import
4908; Fix for low res images for DNG files from drones that with a Hasselblad camera
4903; Fix for the Single User edition where the default password was not mentioned in the login dialog
4898; Fix for Fix for closing the Image Viewer when used "floating" or "second monitor" and no thumbnail selected (as after switching the selection in the Catalog Tree)
4895; Fix for wrong Image Dimension determination for NEF files from some Nion cameras
4895; Fix for a small pre-display in the Image Viewer for some RAW file types
4891; Fix for possible UNIQUE CONSTRAINT exception when assigning a catalog label to multiple selected thumbs that are versions of the same version set
4891; Fix for possible Access Violation in the rename dialog
4888; Fix for possible preview image loaded in the Viewer regardless the setting for "load original"
4888; Fix for shift+click on a thumb while the Viewer is opened on the second monitor
4888; Fix for missing hint text to the Category marker in the LAP
4888; Fix for duplicate Ctrl+G/Cmd+G keyboard shortcut in the Image Viewer. The image grid is now toggled with G instead.
4883; Fix for an error when starting PSU in debug mode from the command line.
4877; Fix for non-admins not being able to login in the Server Edition
4875; Fix for background processes not starting anymore after a compact or backup of the catalog. A application restart is no longer needed
4875; Fix for not being able to start the Single User application when starting with a new empty catalog and using the wrong password in the login dialog
4875; Less computer resources needed
4870; Fix for progress box being able to size above the average of the application height on scaled monitors
4870; Fix for visual feedback positioning in the Light Table for scaled monitors
4870; Fix for not selecting a thumb when clicking one of the hotspots on it when that thumb was not selected yet
4870; Fix for "not color labeled" not being visually distinguishable when using the Light UI theme
4870; Fix for visual feedback messages not being themed in their colors
4864; Fix for "open viewer on second monitor" not using the first monitor when PSU runs on the second monitor
4860; Fix for schedules "Verify Folder" always being scheduled for the Admin instead of the current user in the Server Edition
4860; Fix for possible exception after closing the application
4860; Fix for possible false positives reported in Verify Folder quick after a daylight saving time change. Could be that you get a none-time larger result than expected on the first (and only the first) Verify Folder
4854; Small fix for loading a custom editor JSON file
4854; Fix for calculating the next schedule for a Verify Folder that could omit the time stamp
4850; Fix for position of the overlapping "dictionary" button in Preference->General
4850; Fix for possible mis-ordering after deleting a version in the Image Viewer
4850; Fix for missing bookmark icon while hovering a thumb on macOS
4843; Fix for Cross Platform Folder being shared between Windows and macOS
4843; Fix for the Info Text in the Viewer that is possibly overlapping with a monitor with a camera notch
4840; Fix for possible padded bytes when using MTP/WPD to transfer files in the Import module
4840; Fix when switching the Stacking view then the last selected image remains selected
4838; Fix for possible Integer conversion exception when selecting a preconfigured Print Template
4838; Fix for DNG files from BlackMagic cameras showing as black thumbnails
4838; Fix for database upgrade on SQLServer when upgrading from PSU 5 or older
4838; Fix for allowing PSU to run on SQLServer 2014 and earlier versions, while not supported
4835; Fix for not showing ICD custom fields in Grid view
4835; Fix for search error when entering an empty exact phrase
4830; Fix when cascading metadata in combination with Catalog Labels could potentially not result in the metadata being cascaded
4827; Fix for Custom Folder Offset version and stack detection not properly working when entering a static folder name
4823; Fix for possible Access Violation in Grid Mode
4823; Fix for Bookmark not persisting when changed in the Image Viewer
4816; Fix for renamed Bookmarks not showing the new names in the States dropdown in the Filter Bar
4816; Fix for message that no changes were found after a Scheduled Verify Folder completes. No message should be given
4816; Fix for not being able to deselect a thumb using the Ctrl/Cmd+Click method
4816; Fix for the installer for Photo Supreme Server Edition with PostgreSQL 15