From Apple Photos to Photo Supreme
Make the Move
A note upfront. If you want to use Photo Supreme together with Photos then your best approach is to use Photos by configuring Photos to leave the originals at their original location. This will not read the originals to the Photos Library and keep your file names consistent. You can now select Data -> Import from Apple Photos in Photo Supreme's upper left corner hamburger menu. Then point to the Apple Photos Library folder and let Photo Supreme import the data from the library. The next time you do this, you will be prompted to only import the photos since the last import.
When you no longer wish to use Photos then follow these steps to move away from Apple Photos and use Photo Supreme.
If you currently use Apple Photos configured to keep the originals at their original location then you can skip Step 1 and start at Step 2.
Move out of Apple Photos' Library
Create a new/empty folder on your drive where you want all your original photos to reside.
In Apple Photos, make the export
Start Apple Photos
Select all thumbnails (Cmd+A)
From the Main Menu, select File -> Export Unmodified Original for x photos (x will be the number of selected thumbnails)
If you use Photos to do keywording and/or descriptions then make sure to tick the box "Export IPTC as XMP"
Set File Name to "Use File Name" and set Subfolder Format to "Moment Name"
Click the Export button
Select the created folder that was created in step (1)
Wait for the save operation to finish
Import to Photo Supreme
After the export finishes, you are read to import the export folder to Photo Supreme. In Photo Supreme, select "Import Folder" from the upper left hamburger menu.
Click Source and select the created export folder.
Wait for the import process to finish
Read XMP Metadata
When Apple Photos exports its images, it creates an XMP sidecar file that holds details of the image. This is not according to the standard for some formats and Photo Supreme won't automatically load XMP from sidecar files when such format should have embedded metadata (like for JPG files). That's why we need to manually import the XMP from the sidecar files.
Open the set of imported files (you can use States -> In Last Import)
Select the first thumbnail and press Cmd+A to select all
Right click (or Ctrl+click if your mouse is equipped with a single mouse button) and select "Run Script from Repository -> Metadata -> Import from sidecar XMP file"
Wait for the import to complete
Wait for all the progress bars to complete and do not close the application during this process. It will require you to start over.
Other Resources
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